As Britain slowly emerges into a late Spring on the magical Isle of Purbeck, on the Dorset Coast, meadows are full of cowslips and weekly dolphin sightings have been logged already.
Bob Westwood, Chair of the Swanage and Purbeck Walking Festival, is delighted.
“We are very lucky in this part of the UK to be relatively sheltered, and often get weather from the coast of France. It means residents and visitors get to explore some of the UK’s most beautiful coast and countryside all year round, in relative comfort and safety.”
The Walking Festival, now in its seventh year, has adapted to its new time-slot of mid-September well. A packed programme of special interest is set to delight those taking part who will get to see parts of the area that are usually inaccessible. Walks commemorating both World Wars, a new ‘Family Bug Walk’, quarrying, shipwrecks, smuggling, fossils, literature, art, photography and ghost stories are all planned. Truly a walk for everyone.
Bob says:
The festival has grown enormously, the idea being that we cater for all tastes and fitness abilities. There is such a diverse range of activities and attractions in the area, as well as protected wildlife areas, that we can provide something for everyone. Purbeck has some of the UK’s rarest species, and those taking part can expect to encounter Sika deer, a variety of sea birds, as well as the potential for sightings of dolphin, minke whale and other local wildlife. September works well for us now, the region is quieter and can bring very warm temperatures, enough to encourage some to take a dip in the sea!
The Swanage and Purbeck Walking festival runs from September 17th – 25th 2016
Walks can be booked in advance, and accommodation providers and festival organisers will help plan your itinerary.
Contact Swanage Tourist Information Centre on 01929 423636.