We are very excited to announce that this year’s Jurassic Coast Award, sponsored by the Fine Family Foundation, will be a photography competition. The Award, which will be judged by a panel led by award winning photographer Ben Osborne, will be looking for photos taken of the World Heritage Site, and that fall into three categories: ‘My special place’; ‘Point in time’ and ‘Close up coast’. It will also have winners and runners up cash prizes for both adult entrants and those who are 16 or under. It is not necessarily about the technically best photo, but those that the judges feel best capture the themes in relation to the Jurassic Coast. So even if you just use a camera phone, you might want to have a go and get creative with your camera. The competition will be launched at the end of July or early August, so look out for further details at www.jurassiccoast.link/award
If you can’t wait that long and have a fantastic photo of the Dorset Countryside, then our colleagues at the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) team are asking you if you have a ‘Love for the land’. They think it is great, and they want to know what you think the best bits are, what you love about this fantastic landscape… great views, tasty local food, muddy walks, quirky features, happy days out, picnics getting away from it all etc etc.