ammonite detail

New Jurassic Coast Award

Nominations for the new Jurassic Coast award must be made by 29th October – so hurry up and nominate someone who has made a special contribution to the Jurassic Coast! We have developed this new award to give due praise and acknowledgement to those individuals who have contributed greatly to the continued conservation and enhancement of the Dorset and East Devon Coast World Heritage Site, whether…

Exploratory Laboratory

Exploratory Laboratory exhibition: Bridport Arts Centre

The Bridport Arts Centre is hosting a free exhibition, ‘Exploratory Laboratory’ between 18th September – 23rd October 2010. It will highlight some of the new techniques and technologies being used by earth scientists to map and monitor the coast and explores how artists are also working with scientists, interpreting and visualising data, presenting research and adopting new technologies…

Jurassic Coast - showcased as best practice

Jurassic Coast – showcased as best practice

The Jurassic Coast has recently featured in two international publications covering best practice in visitor management in protected landscapes. The World Travel and Tourism Council website has a new Best Practice Gateway and requested the Jurassic Coast to be one of the high profile case studies featured. The World Heritage Site also features in a…

Pliosaur skull fossil

Pliosaur Progress

The huge pliosaur skull acquired under the Collecting Cultures Jurassic Life bid is now in Sevenoaks, Kent where it is being prepared (cleaned) by Scott Moore-Fay. Scott is an experienced and professional fossil preparator, who worked for many years at the Natural History Museum preparation lab, deep in the basement. It is a massive job…

New PhD studentship

New PhD studentship – the Art of Carnival

The Jurassic Coast Creative Coast Group and Exeter University are pleased to announce the successful candidate for the first PhD studentship in our collaborative AHRC funded research project. The field of potential candidates was of exceptionally high quality, and following interviews and much deliberation we have invited local arts practitioner Jon Croose to take up…