The Jurassic Coast Trust has launched an exciting new project, the Jurassic Coast Collection. The project seeks to improve understanding of scientifically significant fossils from across the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site. It is hoped that this improved understanding will catalyse investment in research, fossil specimen conservation, acquisition and display.
As part of the project’s first phase, the Trust has appointed Chris Reedman as Jurassic Coast Collection Development Officer. Chris will be working closely with local museums, visitor centres and fossil collectors to create an inventory of scientifically significant fossil specimens from the World Heritage Site.
Sam Scriven, Head of Conservation for the Jurassic Coast Trust, said of the project:
“The Jurassic Coast Collection is an exciting new development for the World Heritage Site. We are thrilled to have Chris Reedman on board to begin work on this project, which we hope will shine a light on the incredible, world-class array of fossils that we have on the Jurassic Coast.
This project has arisen out of close consultation with local museums, visitor centres and fossil collectors, and we look forward to working with all of them as the project progresses.”