Residents and visitors are being invited to a series of exhibitions in June and July to find out more about how Jurassic Coast erosion may affect them and the area in future.
Surveys done as part of a Government-funded ‘Pathfinder’ project looking at coastal change suggest that people would like to know more about the issue and get more involved in making decisions about managing the coastline.
The exhibitions – in Swanage, Charmouth, Weymouth and Sidmouth – will highlight the causes of coastal change, and show what the coast may look like in 20, 50 and 100 years time using specially commissioned, computer-generated images.
They will also present some of the ideas that communities themselves have come up with to adapt to change, following workshops along the Jurassic Coast as part of the project.
Jurassic Coast Pathfinder project manager Rupert Lloyd said:
“The Jurassic Coast has been shaped by erosion and it is the reason the area enjoys World Heritage Site status. But erosion also presents challenges and opportunities for communities that have made the coast their home.
“We can not afford to defend everywhere forever against the advancing sea, but we can widen the range of options open to communities to adapt to change.
“The exhibitions aim to give residents and visitors the chance to explore these issues and see how they are being tackled by the authorities and by communities themselves in various places along the Jurassic Coast.”
The Pathfinder project team will be on hand at the exhibitions to help answer any questions about how the changing coast may affect individuals, communities or businesses. Visitors to the exhibitions will be able to browse the information throughout the day or listen to presentations from the team at the times below.
The exhibition dates, times and venues are:
- Swanage:
Thursday 30 June and Saturday 2 July at the Mowlem Theatre Community Room, Swanage, BH19 1DD
Exhibition: 10am-9pm (Thur) and 10am-7pm (Sat)
Presentations at 1pm and 7pm (Thur) and 3pm (Sat)
- Charmouth:
Thursday 7 July at Charmouth Village Hall, Wesley Close, Charmouth
Exhibition: 10am-9pm
Presentations at 1pm and 7pm
- Weymouth:
Thursday 14, Friday 15 and Saturday 16 July at the Mulberry Gallery, Weymouth Library, DT4 8NN
Exhibition during library opening times: Thur 9.30am-7pm; Fri 9.30am-5.30pm; Sat 9am-4pm
Presentations at 1pm and 6pm (Thur) and 1pm (Fri and Sat)
- Sidmouth:
Thursday 21 July at Kennaway House, Sidmouth, EX10 8NG
Exhibition: 10am-8pm
Presentations at 1pm and 6pm
For more information, contact Alexandria Potter in the Jurassic Coast Pathfinder team on (01305) 225515 or [email protected]