The Coastal Change Pathfinder project team are now in the process or organising and running various meetings with the six communities along the Jurassic Coast.
These meetings will focus around a written ‘scenario’. These scenarios are mock newspaper articles set to a date in the future (between the next 20 – 50 years) and look at how each community would be affected by an imminent 1:200 year storm event (the last one being in 1824). These scenarios are not a prediction of what will happen in the future, but merely a tool for the communities to discuss the future and what could possibly be done now to lessen the impact of coastal and climate change in the future.
These meetings will also try to identify any opportunities that could arise from coastal and climate change. This will then lead to research by the team to investigate possible options for these communities in the future and lead to further workshops and a series of public exhibitions next year.
Alexandria Potter, Support Officer