Our website continues to attract a huge audience – with average daily visits well above 1500 – and we are continually striving to improve and further develop its functionality, always with the ‘virtual visitor’ in mind.
Here’s a quick rundown of some areas we’ve been working on recently:
Visiting the Coast
We have made it easier for people planning a trip to the Jurassic Coast to find accredited service providers necessary to ensure a quality experience when they visit. The Jurassic Coast Quality Businesses have been categorised so you can search for accommodation or for a transport provider or whatever you need, with the assurance of knowing that each one you consider, greatly values and wants to help conserve our World Heritage Site.
The Coast Uncovered, Kids’ Zone
Following on from the release of the new Jurassic Coast Monsters sticker book, we have developed a virtual ‘taster activity’ to encourage 5-7 year olds to seek out the new the book so they can continue this activity for real, using real stickers! On the taster activity, children can ‘pick up’ a range of virtual stickers of Triassic creatures (as they appear in the sticker book) and then ‘stick them on’ to a virtual Triassic landscape (again taken from the illustration in the new book). In this way they can build up a virtual picture of how a Triassic landscape might have looked like, then hopefully they will want to get the book and create further Jurassic and Cretaceous landscapes, using the real stickers.
And coming up…
Poll module
We are going to be testing out a simple voting function that will hopefully tell us what the general feelings are concerning a few topics close to our hearts ie if traveling by sea wins over traveling by road; or if you would pick accommodation that has green accreditation over one that doesn’t and so forth. You’ll be able to see what the results are as each poll continues.
New Arts Section
This section is going to be very different to anything else seen on www.jurassiccoast.com. I don’t want to give too much away, but just to say that information will be communicated via a series of locations and characters…watch this space.
Julia Pulman, Jurassic Coast Marketing & Communications Officer