Jurassic Coastal Change Day. Modelling Workshop.

Jurassic Coastal Change Day

The Purbeck School hosted a brilliant Jurassic Coastal Change Day on Thursday 29th March for 100 Year 4s from three Purbeck first schools. Children from Stoborough, Lady St Mary and Bovington First schools arrived at The Purbeck School early Thursday morning to watch a mini play presented by Year 10 and 11 Purbeck School students.…

The Big Jurassic Classroom project

Schools go Jurassic in a BIG way!

The Big Jurassic Classroom project launched in July 2011 offering free teacher training to all schools in Dorset and East Devon on how the 7 Olympic and Paralympic values link with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site.   We’ve had a massive response and been to over 60 schools, training 90 schools and over 800…