
Rural Bus Challenge Project

The final report of the X53 Rural Bus Challenge Project, June 2003 to October 2006, was published in February. Passenger numbers showed an immediate significant increase from the introduction of the improved service. Over the three years of the bid, passenger numbers consistently increased culminating in over 300,000 passenger journeys in the final year. Over…

msc napoli wreck

Hidden Costs of the Napoli disaster

A report has been published by the East Devon AONB Team about the hidden costs of the MSC Napoli disaster. Through its on-the-ground monitoring programme, the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is providing an interesting picture of the hidden impact of the MSC Napoli to surrounding countryside. With its network of Rights…

Jurassic Coast website

Website performance

Since it’s redevelopment, www.jurassiccoast.com website has been a big hit – in fact during January it recorded 764,507 hits – and visitor figures for July have even exceeded those reached during the launch month. With a total of 35,298 visits for the month of January (that’s an average of 1,138 unique daily visits to the…


The Swanage Crocodile!

In the course of regular site monitoring, Richard Edmonds, Earth Science Manager for the Jurassic Coast team, discovered a large and exceptionally well preserved crocodile skull near Swanage. Richard said: ‘it was a really lucky find; I had a site visit in Swanage and decided to take the opportunity to check out the coast. By…

Ladram Bay

Statement on Site Conservation

A Statement on Site Conservation has been completed by Richard Edmonds, Earth Science Manager. The statement has been compiled from the last five years of site monitoring, coupled with assessments made by Natural England and comments from others. The headlines are that 61 of the 66 Geological Conservation Review (GCR) sites are in a ‘favourable’…